The past nine months have flown by. It seems like just yesterday that the doctor handed you to me after you were born. I remember your daddy was so mesmerized at watching everything that was going on he didn't even have the camera ready. You came out and the doctor looked at him and said "what by the time the fourth one comes you just forget everything?" :) He immediately remembered and started clicking away. You know better than anyone that the clicking hasn't stopped since. I asked your daddy the other day if he thought you ever got tired of the paparazzi. You're crawling up a storm started a couple of weeks ago and I can't keep you still anymore. You have finally accepted baby food and I believe you are actually enjoying it now. Your favorite is applesauce and bananas. You are not a big veggie person right now. You absolutely hate green peas. You love bath time!!!! As soon as I put you in the bathtub at night you splash and laugh the entire time. When it's time to rinse your hair I lean you back and hold your head in one hand while I rinse you off and your legs and arms start pumping and you laugh and smile the whole time..I love to watch you! Your sleeping habits leave alot to be desired right now. You spend the majority of the night in between your daddy and me although alittle more on my side than your daddy's. Most nights I'm left with about a foot of bed and can't move in the morning. You're still waking up to eat during the night once although it's closer to early morning lately. You're scared of absolutely anyone that doesn't live in our house right now. You're fine just being around them but if they talk to you then you start screaming. You're making sounds and cooing like crazy..your daddy is convinced that you're saying Dada and I let him think it but we all know you're really just talking to me. Allie-you are my world. I love you more than you will ever know. I can't wait for everything to come. I can't wait to buy you your first Barbie and tea set. I can't wait to watch you grow up and experience life with you. I love the way you light up when I walk in a room and bounce up and down with a huge grin on your face. My absolute favorite thing in the world is to watch you with your daddy. He adores you and little girl between you and've already got him!!!! Whatever you want I just know it'll be yours..he's wrapped around your finger already. We love you Allie and we'll always be here for you no matter what!

Here's my baby nine months ago.
I wanted to have a picture of her that was actually taken today. She really wasn't into getting pics taken this morning so this is about as good as it got. I'm going to get some more later and hopefully she'll be in a better mood.
what a loving tribute to your little lady
happy 9 months!!
She is so precious. I am sure after having 3 was a sweet surpise. I know after having just 2 girls...we welcomed the blue. I can see why you and hubby adore her. She is such a sweet doll baby.
LOVIN' this almost had me in tears. 12 more days until my baby turns one I am sooo in denial...
Beautiful post!
I love my boys with all my heart, but I really am so very happy that I was blessed with a daughter as well. We are so lucky, aren't we? Your daughter is beautiful.
Such a beautiful post! Happy 9 months Allie!!
aw. it is insane how quickly time flies on by. i cried for weeks after finding out i was preggo with caitlyn. it is nice to know that some one else did it too. :0) makes me feel a bit normal!
Happy 9 month birthday, Allie!
What a precious letter to your little girl. :)
What a great most and a great memory! We wanted to try for another, but God had other plans! My SIL stopped trying for her girl after her 4th boys!! If we would have had a girl, her name would have been Allison (Allie) too! She is a keeper!
What a sweet letter to your daughter...I have to say, you are not helping me in the "wanting a baby girl" category, but I am so happy for all the blessings in your life!
Amazing how fast time flies.....hope the pics went ok!
She's such a beautiful girl! What a blessing she is to you. Happy 9 months Allie! :)
What a sweet, sweet letter to your baby girl! It's fun to hear what another nine month old is doing! Obviously she's a little ahead in the movement dept. - Aidan's close to crawling forward, but not quite. But I definitely got lucky with my veggie eater - although he's decided he doesn't like green beans!
Love the picture of the day. That's life, right? They don't always model when you want them to!
How sweet are you. 9 goes by so fast. She is a cutie that is for sure.
I am ready to hold my little girl in my arms!
How sweet! She is so precious! Happy 9 month baby girl!
We celebrate Leala's 13 month today.
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