Jacob getting arrested...
and tasered.
Now - Jacob has a new best buddy - Caleb LOVES I mean LOVES to play cops. He is just like the mini me of Jacob. He sat on the couch last night and watched Cops on tv with his Daddy for well over an hour - not a peep out of his mouth.
Caleb being arrested...
and taken to jail.
He'll go outside and they will have fake tasers - pretending like they are constantly tasering someone - it's hilarious to watch how much they get into it. Jacob will arrest Caleb and ask him if he has any drugs on him then search him. I think they've both found their match - Now they just have to keep it in the backyard!

These pictures are priceless. My oldest used to watch Cops with my Dad. I love that they taser each other. LOL Too funny.
LOL! Isn't it too funny the way they pretend play so well! I love the jail:)
OMG! That is sooo cute!!! I love the "arresting" pictures. Hehe!!
How cute!!!
"Bad boys bad boys..whatcha gonna do when dey come for u??"
Lmao!! Nice to see that have great imaginations. Haha
thats so cute!! love that they play so well together....and have such good imaginations!!
I bet they are a hoot to watch. Mine haven't started the whole cops and robbers thing yet but I'm sure it's coming.
Oh, to answer your ? from FB yesterday on the lens. When I read the reviews, it's supposed to be good for The D40, D60 and D90 so you should have no problem with it fitting. It does have a auto option but the manuel setting really isn't that difficult at all. I played with it last night and it was pretty simple.. just no zoom.. you have to walk into your subject rather than zoom.
Haha that's hilarious & too cute!
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