Finally - Friday is here and other than meaning my husband is on call again and will most likely be working for the next three days while most other people are off for their long weekend it also means it's 5 Question Friday. The five most random questions you will ever find :) Who doesn't love random on a Friday morning when our brains are fried from the rest of the week. Head over to Mama M's and join in on the fun!
1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
Overall I don't miss being a child - I wouldn't want to go back however I'd say if I had to pick something then I miss being carefree. Not a worry in the world and though I thought I had issues and things to do life was really so easy. I'd like to be carefree for a couple of days now - that would be heaven :)
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
I am still friends with some of my high school classmates and we are able to keep in touch through facebook. I went to a very small Catholic high school and we only had 19 in our graduating class - not only did we all know each other on a personal level we also knew each and every person in the entire school.
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
Life isn't fair. I have a bit of a control issue - I like to be in control and knowing what is going on all the time. From all the counselors I've talked to in my life (and believe me it's been a lot) they have all said it's my way of making sure my world is okay because if I don't feel like I know what is going on then I feel like the world is going to spin out of control on me. When I met my husband something wouldn't go my way and he'd always say "Life Isn't Fair" - there was nothing I hated to hear more. I've gotten better - I've let my iron clad tight hold on things go a bit and I've learned to simply let go on some things. Other things I'm still just as bad.
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?
Family - get togethers - fireworks - hamburgers and homemade ice cream. There's nothing like a family get together and being with the people that you know regardless of the circumstance they will be by your side!
5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
Well we didn't have a lot of plans other than spending the weekend together as a family and figuring out something fun to do but at the last minute David had to go on call for work so now we'll be here by ourselves most likely. I'm not looking forward to the long 3 day weekend from that vantage point.

I went to a small school too. There were only like 60 in my graduating class as well. I see some of them randomly out and about but really don't hang with any of them anymore.
I am a control freak too. That is what I struggle with most with being a Christian too is giving up complete control to God.
Have a great 4th weekend.
I hate that your plans got canceled for the 4th. :( I'm with you on the "life isn't fair" quote because life is what you make it and it could be a hell of a lot worse ya know?
I couldn't agree with you more on childhood too because mine was a nightmare and it's something that I don't really care to look back on because I tend to only remember the negative. :( Hope you have a great day and a even better weekend.
I went to a small Catholic school too....graduated with about 45.....everyone knows EVERYone!!
Hopefully your hubby won't have to work through the long weekend!!
I hope you find something fun to do and your husband doesn't get called to work!!
Happy 4th!!
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