This is week 3 of Project Life and I'm linking up with Jessica over at The Mom Creative. I've had a lot of people ask me What is Project Life exactly? Becky Higgins, who is the creator of Project Life explains it best here. I, personally, do a picture a day which I will admit is a little demanding. There are days I get to bedtime and realize it was a crazy day and I haven't taken a picture yet. That's when I find myself photographing the small day to day details that I know I will want to remember 10 - 20 years down the road. Maybe pictures that my kids will look back on one day and appreciate more than just a smiling face perhaps. A picture a day isn't for everyone though and that is what is awesome about Project Life and the system that Becky has created. You can do a layout a week or month or just events that are going on in your life. You can make it work for you - and go as in depth as you would like. I have completed the first two weeks in my album and have taken pictures of my first completed week so that you all can see - those of you that don't have the album and have asked about it.
First off - here's my third week.
My grandmother was here visiting from OK and she is a phenomonal cook. We made homemade doughnuts which is something I've wanted to learn for so many years. I SO enjoyed the time we were able to spend with her and I tried to soak up every little thing I possibly could from her.
This is one of my favorite pictures EVER! Caleb has this true infectious laugh that can get me everytime. It's something I want to freeze frame and never ever forget - then I got this picture during his and Daddy's tickle fest - I ADORE it.
This picture is my life in a nutshell. Little girl things surrounded by cars, trucks and blue 24 hours a day. There were so many days and years that I never thought I'd have a baby doll in my house - now I'll buy them until I'm blue in the face!
This is one of those days I forgot to take a picture until after most of the day was over. Here's our lunch line up on a nightly basis. I don't enjoy making lunches everyday but at least this way I know what they're eating - if they eat at school I assure you they wouldn't be eating the fruits and veggies! Won't be long I'll have more lunches in the line up - that's scary!
Caleb in his prized police car - This is all he wanted for Christmas from Santa and Santa had a hard time chasing one down :) This is by far his favorite thing right now - it's adorable to see him turn the sirens on and start talking into the walkie talkie.
Allie is a definite book lover - she will sit and flip through book after book for a long while. I love that they are developing a love for reading early on.
This has to be in the top 10 ten days of 2011 and we just started. We received the title to our car today and aside from my marriage license I think it could be my favorite piece of paper EVER!!!!
Here is my first weeks layout in my Project Life album. It's hard to take a picture of it because of the page protectors so these aren't very good. When you order the album through Becky you get absolutely everything you need - the album, page protectors, stickers, journaling cards and so much more. I haven't put the dates on my cards or the stickers yet - I just realized I still need to do that.

Chad keeps talking about how he made homemade donuts with his grandma.. he so wants to do it again.. hope he gets to do it this summer.. I need to set it up.. they look amazing! :) Love all your pictures.
Love that boy/girl mix of pictures for the week. It is fun to have both. I've taken a lunchbox picture every year for 3 years now since they have new ones for school each year. Congratulations on your title that is awesome. How sweet to have your grandma in a picture and yummy photo too. Great job in having it all in your album. Have a good week.
What lovely children! I smile at the police car. My brother wanted one when he was a little boy. Thanks for sharing your Project Life this week.
I'd say you did a really nice job. Your pictures are getting good! Are you bouncing your flash off the ceiling or directly?
the fact that the dog looks like he's reading cracks me up :) I love it. and grandma donuts! YUM!
I absolutely love all the pictures! Once again you make me wish mine were as good! :)
I'm glad you're enjoying project life. I did look it up, but I know I would never do it, since it's not a digital album. I never print out pictures and I don't have a place to keep the supplies or have the time to actually put it together. Maybe some day...
I'm enjoying you doing it though! :)
Yum, doughnuts! I need to learn how to make those.....or maybe not. Ha! Might be too tempting! Love that car! And hooray for getting the title to your car!
That is way too cute. I am loving that project life album. Great job so far.
Yum to the donuts and that reading picture is so so sweet. Love how the doggie is perfectly in the middle. CUTE
i love the picture of them reading...
so sweet
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