Frankly I've been in a rut lately. A real rut - I've found it hard to function and have totally lacked the motivation to do anything for the last couple of weeks. Before Christmas there was so much to do - I had list after list in different areas of the house - in face I think I used up an entire legal pad with my lists I was redoing them so much. I was organized and got everything I wanted to accomplished and it felt wonderful. You see ever since I've had my children I've always been one to get up at the crack of dawn and get things done. When I sleep even until 8 or 830 I feel like I've wasted half the day and then I find myself playing catch up for the rest of it. I just couldn't do it. Since Christmas and us getting off a schedule - I have found it almost impossible to get back into reality. I get up and get the kids off to school and hit the couch while the two babies are sleeping - it's been impossible to make myself do anything. When I get up I feel horrible - I am still getting things done during the day - those that I have do. I am keeping up with laundry and doing the necessary things that have to be done but I'm forcing myself to do them. I'm not organized at all - I feel the clutter taking over and it's so overwhelming.
I'm to the point right now that I'm having to make myself look on the positive side. I have so many things I want to accomplish this year that I think I'm just overwhelmed and I don't know where to start. I have goals both family wise and personal that I want to meet. I want to simplify our lives - all the clutter and unnecessary things that people think they have to have in order to survive - when it comes down to it all we really need is our families. I want to remember that each and every day.
Today is the first day I've gotten up and stayed up - of course I had a board meeting at school and then another volunteer spot to fill before I came back home so that kept me up this morning. I'm determined to not let it envelope me again though - I want the organization and determined tasker back. I'm tired of feeling like I'm tired and worn down constantly.
On another topic - one thing I'm extremely excited about is Project Life!!!! I'm so excited I can hardly contain it. Project Life, for those of you that don't know, is when you take a picture a day everyday of the year. There are other versions out there for those of you that don't want to follow it as strictly as a picture a day. You can do monthly layouts or event layouts if you chose to. However, I do a picture a day and with the first year under my belt I can't speak highly enough of it. It has helped me to look at those little moments in life and in my children's lives that 15-20 years down the road I want to remember. Becky Higgins has a wonderful system for these and a beautiful album that goes along with - it just can't get any simpler in my crazy life right now. I started a blog for my 365 project last year but I was horrible about keeping it up 2 weeks into the year. I did keep everything on my computer and have it all - I just need to catch up on my book now :) however this year I'm going to do it a little differently. I'm going to do a weekly post on Saturdays of my weeks pictures and I'm hoping by doing it that way I'll be able to stay on top of my album as the year goes on also. Just another motivator :) If you aren't doing project life and are interested you have to check out Becky's blog - it's awesome.

I have been feeling the same way lately...tired and over run by clutter! I have no motivation to do anything beyond the neccessities, and even the laundry and dishes have been sitting around for a few days here and there! I hope you find your motivation...I'm still looking for mine too!
Hey Stephanie! So glad to have a new blog to read! I am a new follower of yours now. Yay! What you said in this post about being unmotivated....that's been me lately too!
I TOO am doing project life and bought two books to complete online for my two Chinese daughters' life books. I am now thinking I will buy the real one and make that for 2011. Hoping we both are successful at the end of the year. :)
Blessings and Joy!!!
I TOO am doing project life and bought two books to complete online for my two Chinese daughters' life books. I am now thinking I will buy the real one and make that for 2011. Hoping we both are successful at the end of the year. :)
Blessings and Joy!!!
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