I'm having one of those days today. I have the four best accomplishments in the world - they may be wild, loud and crazy from time to time but deep down they are good kids and I know it and I'm proud of them. I want them to always know that I am proud of them - I will never EVER let a day go by without them knowing just how proud I am and they will always know that not only are they enough but they are more than enough. I never ever want my children to doubt themselves - I never want them to sit by themselves and wonder what else they could do to be good enough - EVER!

yes yes yes...i have days like that...in fact i am having one of those days today :P blah...but you are so right...i am always telling my boys how much i lvoe them and how proud they make me!
I've had days exactly like this too! Hang in there! You're an awesome momma and I know your kiddos love you! It's easy to get down on ourselves, esp when we step back and look at our jobs as moms and feel like we aren't accomplished by the world's standards. We are doing the most important thing we can be doing right now so we just have to remind ourselves of that!
Thanks so much for always being there to remind me of these kinds of things...oh...and for keeping me on your list after the recent cuts, lol!
Aww...Steph!! I was really touched by this post!!!!
Oh, do I ever...but I'm learning lately that I am exactly where God wants me to be right now. And, I can never measure up to who He wants me to be on my own...I need Him to lead me and change me into the woman He wants me to be. I can come to His thrown no matter where I am and He will love me no matter what. And, He can make something beautiful out of this mess. That's what I want my little ones to know - that their worth is not found in this world, but in God alone.
I question myself ALL the time! Even with this whole blog world, I ask, is my post not good enough for someone else to comment, am I doing somthien wrong. ALL THE TIME. I feel like you and me could really get along if we ever met. Ha. :)
You are a good momma and done't let anyone tell you your not good enough!
i think we all have days like that from time to time...
you are a wonderful mom and person! keep up the great work
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