There are still days that I have to pinch myself. I never EVER thought I would have this. I could sit and watch her dance, sleep, play with her baby dolls, do puzzles day in and out for the rest of my life and not have gotten enough. I love absolutely every single thing about her - don't get me wrong I love my boys but I'm smitten with my little girl. You see it never entered my thought process that she was a possibility. After three boys it just wasn't an option - even the doctors told me - it was 90/10. And now I have a pink bedroom with a little girl that has the cutest little pucker ever when she wants a kiss. These are the things I want to remember for the rest of my life - I want to remember her as I put her to sleep tonight - the way she held my hand and closed her beautiful blue eyes. The way she insisted she sleep with her pillow pet propped up and her lamb underneath her. I ADORE this little girl!!!!!

Adorable! I adore playing with my girls!
She is precious! Now, when she is 11, and moody, call me :)
It IS fun having a little girl!
Alexa got 2 pillow pets for Christmas and goes nowhere without them, it's cute. :)
So precious! She looks so comfy :) How special to have a girl after 3 boys. We always joke that we would totally have 4 girls if we had another!
Awww!! That is so sweet, and special!!!!!
that is so sweet!
Awww so ADORABLE!!!! So cute Mamma Steph! :)
Soooo precious! Hmmm...wonder if we should consider a number four... :)
I do love having my girl too!!! She is just adorable in all that pink girliness!
Sweet! I'm happy for you.
This is so sweet!!
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