I received this award from Lori over at Teacher Turned Mommy

Thanks Lori!!
Here's the rules:
Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you have posted your award. Share 6 values that are important to you. Share 6 things you do not support.
Grant the prize to 6 people.
I value:
3:Date nights
4:My family
5:Being able to be home with my kids
6:Support from friends
I do not support:
3:Abuse of any form
6:Being hateful to others
I pass this award onto:
-Courtney at Storing up Teasures in Heaven I love to read this blog. I see what Courtney has done for her children and how much she has to give and I am in awe. Courtney, you are such an inspiration to me!
-Moms the Word This is a new blog that I've started following. I love to read her inspirational postings and all about her thrifty ways to save money!
-Alicia over at My Two B's And Me This girl just cracks me up!!! Alicia...you make me laugh...thanks for making my days alittle brighter :)
-Amanda over at The Family News I love to read Amanda's blog..she's got two adorable little ones and even a precious red headed girl(after my own heart) :) Love to catch up with her!
-Sheri over at My Three Sons and a Little Girl Sheri's is one of the first blogs I found when I started blogging. I just love to chat with other moms that have three boys and a girl! What a different life it is to add pink after all blue! Love to read Sheri! :)
-Tiff over at 4under3 I have just started follwing this blog. I love to read Tiff's blog because on days that are stressful and tiring I feel like I'm not alone in my world of crazy young kids running around my house!
I also received this award from Alicia over at My Two B's and Me

Thanks Alicia!!!
The rules say for me to post it on my blog,thank the person who gave it to me and pass it onto 7 people.
I give this one to:
-He & Me + 3 I just found this blog and love to read all about her adventures. Such cute posts!
-Tami over at Muddlin' Thru Motherhood Love this hometown girl!!
-Sara over at Football and Fried Rice I love to check in on Sara. She's waiting on a little girl from China right now and I feel blessed to be able to walk along with her through her blog!
-Windy at A Peek At Us Another hometown girl...love to catch up with her! Great blog :)
-The Ice House
-Jennifer at My Three Sons and Our China Girl Jennifer has got three adorable boys that remind me alot of my own. Thanks for sharing your blog! It makes me smile!
-Cheaper than Therapy This is an awesome blog!!! Jen has a way with words and will often leave me laughing out loud while I'm reading along :)
Thank you so much. I am honored!
You are a sweetheart! I appreciate the love, truly. You've made my Saturday!
You are so sweet, thank you so much. Now, I would love it if you would tell me how to get that little award thing on my blog because, seriously, I don't know how to do it! Again, thank you!
Well, you are very deserving of your awards! And thanks for sharing!! I can't wait for some pink, too!!
Awwww! Congrats on your awards! Thank you so much for passing it on to me too. I enjoy your blog as well! So glad we met through blogging world.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I have a xanga and myspace account, but I want this to be my main blog. I love blogging, and I feel as if I can share more here and write more about anything I want.
Wow, 4 kids.. you must have your hands full!
I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna follow your blog too. :)
Thank you so much - I heart your blog, too:)
O.k., my dear hubby helped me and I posted my award on my blog. Again, thank you so much for thinking of me. You are so sweet.
Thank you so much! That just made my day. I appreciate you reading my blog and I just love reading yours. :o) Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
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