The weekend was put it mildly. I felt like I didn't sit down until yesterday and I have to admit I didn't push to get anythingn done around here then. I have tons to do but no ambition to do it. I felt so out of it not blogging and checking in on people but I just didn't have it in me yesterday. I am going to try really hard to catch with everyone today though.
Before David's surgery on Friday he had to take three different pills and put some sort of Lidocaine cream on an hour before we were supposed to be there. It was interesting to say the least. Let me just say if you haven't shaved your husbands scrotum before and wrapped them in plastic wrap then you haven't lived :) Talk about odd!!!!! One of the pills he had to take was a Valium in order to make him woozy...David doesn't take medicine so he was highly affected by this. While we were sitting in the waiting room he was playing with his lip talking nonsense acting like a complete drunk...I had to keep trying to get him to calm down so he wouldn't make a scene. When they called us back the nurse didn't want me in the room with him while they were doing the procedure...David did...but she said it was usually just the doctor and the patient. Needless to say I ended up in there. Boy..that was stressful because to say that David doesn't handle pain well is the understatement of the year! We made it out and the weekend was pretty uneventful other than constant chaos..he went back to work yesterday and seems to be doing much better!
Lucas lost a tooth a while ago and I have been meaning to post it but I kept forgetting to get the pics off my camera. I finally did though...I just have to edit everything now and get some printed...that's an entirely different story though. After he lost it I was trying to take a picture and Caleb was watching him so when I asked Caleb to sit beside Lucas so I could take his picture too he decided to pull his lip down cute! Lord I'm not ready for him to start losing teeth..he's got to stay a baby for much longer. Funny thing is he came out the next morning and had $4.00. He first said the tooth fairy left him $6.00 then he cahnged it to $5.00 however when he counted he only had $4.00. I asked him what happened to the other dollar and he looked but couldn't find it and finally decided that he miscounted and must of only had $4.00 from the very beginning. I kept telling him to go look but nowhere to be found....I know the tooth fairy left him $5.00(because she whispered in my ear before she left of course :) but it is nowhere to be found. No telling where that ended up!

Wow! It sounds like you need to just sit down on the couch and veg! Not sure you should try to carch up!
Seems like the little ones are always trying to keep up with the big ones. I'm like you, I want them to stay little, for a lot longer than they do.
Aww, cute story and great pictures. My little girl only has 2 teeth so far, but I know losing teeth isn't too far in the future.. *sigh* They grow up way too fast.
Well it sounds like you have a full plate going on over there!!
I guess every hospital is different because I read on someones blog how they let her stay right there during her hubbys procedure! I don't think I could do that w/ out throwing up! Oh..and when my hubby had it done, they shaved him themselves. Oh brother...he says that was the best part! Whatever! Of course, it wasn't a man that did it! Eww!!
Ha..cute pictures of your son! My kids love it too when the "toothfairy"(aka mom or dad)leaves them money!
I hope you are able to get some sleep! Glad dear hubby is doing well. Cute pix!
The part abour you trying to keep your husband from making a scene.. I seriously laughed out loud at work. TOO FUNNY! You have been put through it I tell ya! You need a warm bath and a nice BIG glass of wine! I'll watch the kids for ya. :)
Wow...what an interesting time you have had. You have a very generous tooth fairy. Send her our way:)
Love the pics!
Cute pics...I take pics of my boys too, when they loose a tooth! Your tooth fairy is very generous! My boys would be jealous! Take it easy this weekend...sounds like you need it! :) Hoping Allie feels better.
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