Ever just feel like you don't have anything to write about. Maybe I just didn't get enough sleep or maybe my brain just doesn't want to work today but I'm at a standstill as I try to figure out what I want to say today. I have tons of pictures to load onto the computer. What are all of your methods for putting pics on the computer? Seems I take them and then when I load them on I have hundreds on each camera...and that's about every two weeks or so. There are times I will do it more often but I usually have so many it just takes so long so I put it off as long as I can. Right now I have all of my pictures in Kodak EasyShare but I have thought about trying another program..do you all find there are some out there that you are happy with? Editing is an entirely different story! I have tons of pictures on my computer right now that I need to edit but I just haven't gotten around to it. Ugh...so far behind! For now here's my two youngest doing their everyday thing...well kinda I suppose.

Caleb found this pacifier in his room. I had it sitting on his dresser...it's the only paci that he ever took when he was a baby...and even then he only took it once. For some reason on this particular day he was obsessed with it. We'll just say it's in the trash now.

And of course...here's my princess..I just can't get enough of her! She amazes me everyday!
cute pics.
as far as pics... I upload them every 2 or 3 days. I too use Kodak Easy Share, but I also have PSE5, but I only use that for digi-scrapping and occasionally fixing pics
I do have those days, but now that I have gone back to work I am bogging a lot of my posts and scheduling them to go out on certain days. It is making it more manageable to blog and work. As for the pics, I ususally upload them the same day since I use them to blog! Iused to use york, now I am into snapfish or shutterfly. And I do not edit, although I wish I took the time to do it! :)
Keep the pictures coming! They are soo cute!
beautiful children...sometimes I can't think of anything I think anyone would want to hear either.
Hey Babe! The only software I have is what came on my laptop when I bought it. I do plan on getting PS for Christmas (hopefully)!! I only upload my pics once a week, uless it's something that I need to blog about right away.
I have days like this post when you just don't know what to say or what pictures to post. It's all good and totally normal.
Hope you have a great day today with your beautiful kids!
Cute pictures...you kids are precious! I upload as soon as I take them, so I don't erase any or run out of memory. Then charge the battery right after, so I never run low on batteries. I upload to picassa and edit in Picnik. Love both sites.
very cute pictures....I try to upload pictures as I take them. and then I put them on Shutterfly as a back-up.. I think the trash was the perfect place for the pacifier...if you've gotten this far without one, you definitely don't want him to start now!
OK have I gone crazy, or did you just add your name to your blog....I have never known your name (looked all over your blog for it and couldn't find it) so i have just been calling you Tutus girl...so glad to meet you Stephanie!!!
What cuties! I try to upload my pics at least every few days. I use shutterfly to edit them.
As for learning to do the blog looks: I search different websites to learn stuff & also just mess around with the HTML. I'm not computer saavy, I just push buttons & see what happens! If you want some links, I can give you a list! :)
Precious pictures. Clearly I was to tired to think clearly, too, as evidenced by today's first post, lol!
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