I can't stand stupid people. There are days it iritates me that they are even able to function in society. I had to get Caleb some new shoes...his were ragged and dirty from wearing them outside all the time(where he lives basically)so we were on a quest. Seriously that was basically what it was. I usually get kids shoes from Stride Rite...when I say kid I mean when they are two years old and under. In my opinion it's too hard to find shoes that fit them correctly otherwise. However when it was time for him to get new shoes I started looking elsewhere because he is pretty close to 2 and Stride Rite is VERY expensive! I looked and looked and looked for almost two weeks everywhere I knew and I could find nothing that would fit him. We finally realized that we were going to have to bite the bullet and go to Stride Rite.
When we first got there I saw our least favorite attendant that works there and said a few nasty words to David before entering the store praying that things would go okay. The last time we were there she sized Caleb and we left the store with shoes that were two sizes too small and left marks on his feet. The people that work there are usually excellent and you don't have to worry about whether the shoes fit or not...they are very knowledgeable when it comes to small children. So I was hoping we weren't going to have another bad experience with her.
First of all..he didn't like her at all. Guess I should of taken his cue and gotten out of there because when she first put her hand on his foot to measure it he pitched a fit! After much trying on of several different shoes we finally found one that fit...a 10XW (extra wide)and as I was checking out everything just fell apart. I mentioned to her that I had tried to look elsewhere but had had no luck and she started on her insane comments. She said that his foot was so wide that he would never YES YOU HEARD ME NEVER be able to wear a Nike shoe. The kid is 22 months old and she is telling me that in 30 years he won't be able to wear a Nike...he might...and she put extreme emphasis on MIGHT be able to wear a New Balance or a Saucony but most definitely not a Nike then she did it UNLESS HE THINS OUT she says. My jaw about hit the floor! Caleb is 26 pounds at almost 2 years old...the last time we were at the doctor he was in the 95% for his height but the 20% for his weight. He is so tall that he's off the charts but it makes him much thinner. Seriously when I hug or hold him I can feel his ribs. He's healthy and eats constantly but he's just so tall that he doesn't appear like most small kids do when they are pudgy and round still and this lady is tell me he needs to thin out. How can a kid in the 20% for his weight thin out anymore...he'd be sick as a dog WOMAN.
Needless to say we did leave with shoes and they do fit but I can't stand the woman!!!!! Ugh...she just irks me!!!!!
I would have complained to the manager! No one has a right to be rude to your or your child
How absurd! The attendants at our local Stride Rite all look like their in college, so I get a little nervous about their knowledge of children's feet. Obviously the lady has never had kids! Stupid.
My son wears XW shoes too...and he's not chunky. Wide feet doesn't mean anything. Ugh! I'm getting annoyed at her now!
Too bad people are like that. Maybe she needs a new job.
Oh my goodness!! I never heard of such a thing!!!
She does not know what she's talking about at all!! Well, I'm glad you rose above the occasion and bit your tongue!! Hard to do, I know, but you did good!!
I would probably complain to someone higher up about her comments. People need to learn customer service especially if they are going to work with the public.
Our Stride Rite store shoe people are the same way. Sheesh is that a pre-requisit that you have to be snobby & act like you are better than everyone else to work there. I hate going in that store, but have no choice either because KOlby has fat feet too. The boys are in about the same size right now too.
Stupid girl - she needs to learn some manners! I bet she's not from around here:)
You should have said, Oh I guess you are a podiatrist.. well then tell me, have you studied feet from birth to adulthood to see whether they become less wide after they leave toddlerhood! ugh...you might try Dillard's if they have one in your area..I know some of the bigger department stores carry Stride Rite, and you could avoid her....
Kill'em with kindness my mom always says! but I have to tell you that both my boys have XW feet and I had to buy shoes at StrideRite for years. Now that they are 7 & 8 they have worn Nike, Sketchers and New Balance. With Nike you just have to go up a size and make sure they are lace up. New balance now has wide width as do msot Payless shoes! Hope it helps and just pray for her...that is what she needs the most!!
WHAT NERVE of that woman to say something about your son like that!! Who does she think she is?!?!? If I were you, I would start with her boss.. then the district manager and then his/her boss!! There is no sense in someone making comments like that about a child when they don't know what the hell they are talking about.
You would think, being a woman, that she should know better than to mess with a momma bear!
No worries. He will be wearing Nike's in no time! When my son was younger he wore the Stride Rite shoes because he was wearing a wide width shoe and the clerk told me he will always need a wide width so I should be sure to come back whenever he needs new shoes. By the time he was 3 he was wearing Nike, Reebok, etc with no problem.
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