Friday, November 14, 2008

He's Mine!

I had to share this because well he's just too cute not to share! Caleb rarely plays in his room by himself but yesterday I was trying to rock Allie to sleep and every ten seconds he would walk up to me and say Mama....which may I add is just the cutest thing in the world! Anyhow..I finally told him to go play in his room for a few minutes and after I put Allie down this is what I found. Watch until the end as he starts playing along...I could just eat him up he's so cute!

My husband was my angel this morning...he does wonderful things every now and then :) Don't ask me how it happened but as I was going to bed last night I couldn't find my coffee. I keep the extra in the freezer and I looked everywhere and it was nowhere to be found. I know I still had a half a bag because I buy the big ones from Sams and only half will fit in my canister by my coffeemaker so I store the rest in the freezer. Anyhow it WASN'T there. I about had a heartattack..what in the world was I going to do this morning without any coffee. So what did I do...I asked my hubby to go to Hardee's and get me some. He walked in with multiple cups of coffee for me this morning before work and I proceeded to pour them into my coffeemaker to stay warm. Ah....I just love him for it! Bicker and pick we do but he's a keeper!!!


Lori said...

that video was too cute... and what a sweet hubby you have!

Everyday Mom Designs said...

The video was really cute. And your hubby gets extra points for that one!

Sugar Mommy said...

I am giggling!
Husbands ROCK!

McCrakensx4 said...

Little singing voices are so cute! And what a great hubby!

Alicia W. said...

Bless his little singing self! How cute is that! My co-worker came over to see what I was looking at and it put a smile on her face too!! Thanks for sharing

P.S Hubby get's major brownie points for the coffee run! So nice

Liz said...

SO the video..aren't boys sweet! your husband is a keeper!
By the way you chose 4 out of 5 bones correctly :)

Bubba said...

That's my Little Man - I love to listen to him sing. I'd love to see his sing his NITE-NITE SONG.

momstheword said...

Yup, dear hubby's a keeper. The video was so precious! BTW, about the heater: I have the round one from Costco. It looks like a fan. It doesn't heat a room, it heats the person. LOVE it!

He & Me + 3 said...

Love that video, he is so cute! What a sweet man you have to bring you back not one, but many cups of coffee. He is a keeper!

Annie said...

YOU TOTALLY HELPED ME!! Thank you, thank you!!! :)

Julie said...

That was SO precious! Your kids are adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'd love for you to follow it!

I felt the same way when I found out I was pregnant with my youngest son as you did with your little girl. I wasn't sure if I wanted more kids, but I sure wasn't ready for another one. But God knows best and I am SO blessed to have him. I love him more than anything!

Also, I saw that you were wanting photoshop for Christmas. I use a program called GIMP that you can download for free. It's supposed to be comparable to photoshop. I like it.

Shauna said...
