Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-My First Nail Polish




Tara Steffen Fotos said...

That's our little lady. Isn't it fun?

Erin said...

ha ha how cute! Alex loves to have her toes and nails painted!

McCrakensx4 said...

She is so sweet! Too funny the way that she won't stop looking at her pretty little painted finger nails!

Windy said...

cute! I was thinking she got into it by herselft when I read the title:)

He & Me + 3 said...

Adorable...In the first picture I thought she was painting her nails. Too cute. Love the look...she is in her own little world. so sweet.

Cassie said...

Oh cute! I'm just surprised she sat still long enough to get them done!

Kelli W said...


More Than Words said...

Aww! Look at that little face!!!!!!

Liz said...

awww...I started polishing kate's toenails at around 6 months...I got so excited the first time I was able to paint her toenails...silly...but I've been waiting a long time!