1. If you could go back to college would you change your major? Or, if you were to go to college right now...what major would you choose?
I have actually thought a lot about going back to school. A couple of years ago I wanted to be a paralegal and eventually go to law school. However I've always wanted to do nursing also so right now that's what I'm leaning towards. I think my hours would be a little more flexible and it wouldn't all the time like law would be. Plus I'm not sure I want to go to school that long this late in life :)
2. What do you love most about your home?
I love the fact that it's the same house I grew up in. I love that we have a huge backyard,though I wish it was more grass and less dirt and that we have plenty of room!
3. What types of books do you like to read (if you like to read at all)?
My mom got me hooked on reading years ago and naturally I started reading books she would have liked. When I was little I was obsessed with The Babysitter's Club but then she got a hold of me and I read Nancy Drew. Now anything murder mystery and I am there. I started the twilight series a couple of months ago-a couple of years behind everyone else in the world and I love that it's an easy read yet enough to keep you wanting more. I'm working on the 3rd one of those right now.
4. What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?
This is a hard one because I am a VERY picky eater. Anything that doesn't look good I'm not even brave enough to put in my mouth.
5. If you HAD to be a character on a TV show, whom would you be?
When I was in high school I was obsessed with 90210. At that time I wanted nothing more than to be Kelly in my everyday life-I thought she was beyond cool! Now I think my life resembles that of a woman close to being certifiable each and everyday-I have no idea who that character would be though.

I loved Babysitter's Club books! I seriously think I had ever single one...even the big special books:)
so fun reading! i could've written all the same answers. except for the law or nursing. i'd love to be a teacher, or a lactation consultant, which is sort of nursing. anyways. we live in the house shaun grew up in, it's so much fun! i loved the babysitters club!!! i wanted to be like them all. thanks for sharing!!
Gosh I relate to so much of what you said... my dad's last nurse was a father of 5 who says he looks forward to his work shifts as they are quieter and easier than being home all day with his 5! Go for nursing I say :)
So cool you still live in your childhood home, I did not know that :) Big Nancy Drew fan... Nolan likes to read The Boxcar Children and I got him an Encyclopedia Brown book.
I am a picky eater too, so I have not eaten too much weird stuff! I was thinking about nursing once upon a time, but then found out you had to deal with blood! lol With the economy today, not sure if I would go into education either :P blah! Have a great weekend!
I was MORE than obsessed with The Baby-Sitters Club. I used to practice writing like them and everything!
I remember 90210!! I loved that show (and I was already an adult)..LOL!
I used to love Babysitters Club and Nancy Drew. I was a huge nerd...always had my nose stuck in a book! Still do :)
I loved 90210 too. I always liked Kelly as well. I didn't know that your house was the house you grew up in...hmmm. Why didn't i know that?
It's so funny but a few of those answers would be mine too! I had thought about being a lawyer or a nurse. I loved reading BSC when I was young and I heart Kelly on 90210!!!
You are so cute....Babysitters club rocks!
It's neat that you live in your childhood home.
thanks for sharing!
Great list... That's neat you still live in your same house:) Blessings,
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