Today is my husbands and my anniversary and where else would we spend it other than the ballpark?!? I do hear that we have a dinner planned though just the two of us :) a dinner without children - what else could I ask for no matter what the time or place!!! Allie might cry when I leave and she might cry while I'm gone (good luck Mom) but for one night - well it is what it is. :) It's a happy day!
I am so thankful to have him in my life. I have been blessed to have an amazing man that is supportive,loving,attentive and overall is the most magnificent father I could have ever asked for. I have never met anyone more dedicated and committed to everything in their life than he is.
I can't say it's been an easy 6 years - or 9 years overall but I'm so grateful for every single one of those days - good or bad. As most of you know that have been around my blog long enough we've had our struggles and they haven't been easy at all but there is not one day that I have regretted fighting for my marriage or my husband. In fact I don't think there is anyone worth fighting for more. I have been blessed with amazing children, a man who stepped up to the plate when he didn't have to and my best friend in life.
What else can a woman ask for? :) I look forward to the rest of our lives and can't wait to see what else we will embark on together - because overall I know that regardless of the circumstances and whatever we have to do above all else we will do it together, side by side and that is what truly matters to me. You see with him by my side there is nothing I can't accomplish.

Happy Anniversary :) I sure hope you can make it to that dinner, just the two of you. You deserve it!
So proud of how far you have come. Like you said this is the one thing ( marriage ) that is worth fighting for!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
What a great post. Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope this year is the best so far.
Happy Anniversary to the both of you...and to many many more! Enjoy your childless dinner too. And just so you don't feel bad, my hubby is usually away at football camp for our anniversary...lucky me!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you guys have a great night!
Oh my gosh, you look soooooooo good!! You are such a cute couple, too!!!
Happy Anniversary, Stephanie!!
Love the pic of you two! Love your heart and your commitment to your marriage through the good and the bad. Wishing you guys many more wonderful years!
I hope you had a great day! Can't wait to hear about your dinner out... those are a rare treat in my world :)
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary. Hope your day was perfect. Beautiful pic:)
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