I got alittle done this afternoon but not nearly enough off my list to make me feel like I accomplished anything. I got my kitchen floors scrubbed and everything in the house dusted other than my bedroom. I still have 3 windows to clean and vacuuming to do along with bathrooms and laundry but I'm working on all that. Of course I haven't touched my ironing of organizing the winter clothes but they there's always tomorrow for that I suppose. At least I hope there's tomorrow :) So I'm trying to catch up on stuff tonight...
*Did you guys know that if you call and ambulance and you are not transported then they still charge you???????????????? Remember my post from last week? Well there's more already to it....I got another bill in the mail this week from the ambulance service...they charged us $100!!!! I about had a heart attack and needed them again. Don't get me wrong....we needed them...when we originally called 911 Caleb was blue and when I put my hands on his back and chest it felt like he had thunder inside of there. He improved right when they got there and was doing much better. When they arrived they listened to him with a stethoscope,took his pulse ox and told us to go to the hospital. That's IT! Then I get a bill for $100? Seriously it's like robbery!!! They know you can't argue the amount so they can basically charge you whatever they want...INSANE!
*Baseball is insane right now....Lucas has practice everyday!!! David has been spending 90 minutes a day doing nothing but pitching balls and it's really taken a toll on his back. He's been complaining with it a good bit these past couple of weeks and it worries me!!! We start the district tournament tomorrow...it's double elimination and could possibly last until Wednesday if we go all the way....so an eventful next few days at least are quickly approaching us.
*This kid...not a doubt in my mind...he's going to be a baseball player. Not a day goes by that he doesn't touch a ball. He can throw a ball in front of him and hit it on his own....blows my mind!!!!!
*I have met a dear friend through this blogging world..her name is Collen and if you haven't visited her blog Ramblings of a Crazy Mom then you have got to head over there. I go crazy with 4 kids and she does it everyday with 5 so my hats off to her. Not to mention that she is extremely creative and has her own Etsy shop too. Right after Allie's birthday we got the most wonderful package in the mail from her. It was filled with the most beautiful headbands and the cutest hat ever!!!! Allie got sick shortly after that and I got behind on everything. A couple of weeks ago I took them out to get some pictures of her...that day she wasn't having much of it so I only got one headband and the hat on her. A few days later I got the rest but I haven't uploaded the last ones yet. For tonight here she is in all her glory...this was so much fun. She made a game out of pulling everything off her head...I'd put it on and she'd pull it off and crack up followed by me putting it right back on again...this went on for a good 20 minutes. Colleen-Thank you so much for thinking of us!!! I'll get the others uploaded soon and send them to you but I have to say I really love the ones of her laughing so much too :) You are so incredibly sweet and I'm so thankful that we met and for the friend that you've become!

Stephanie, I feel equally blessed to have met you through the blogging world. Your prayers and support me everything to me. Thank you for the sweet words you posted about me and THANK YOU for my Allie fix. She looks Darn Tootin Cute!
Oh she looks so cute in that headband and hat! So cute, I tell you! And what a rook that they charge you and didn't even need to transport, totally taking advantage and it is terrible. Hope you get caught up with all of your chores and have fun at the ballpark!
so cute! What a cutie pie she is. I loved putting hats & headbands on my baby girl.
If I ever learn how to scan I'll scan some of her with her big blue eyes in my favorite headband.
Thanks for stopping by yesterday.
I guess I did have fun as kid. I rarely stop to think about it. That's why blogging is good for me.
I had a traumatic thing happen to me and blocked out that part of my childhood for many years. I'm trying to go there more now & remember the good things that happened.
More later
Glad you got stuff accomplished! I still need to clean!
I can't believe the ambulance charged you. Is it because they listened to his chest? That's just crazy. I hate insurance...
cute pictures... sounds like life is busy
I'm lovin me some Allie! Look at her just a cheezin it up for the camera with her little hat. Pink is a great color for her and that headband is WAY too cute. I love that. I'll have to go check out her Etsy shop and look around.
My nephew just finished up All Stars last night and man it was emotional. We lost and EVERYONE cried. :o(
hey 100 bucks is probably cheap compared to the bill it would be if they had transported? i know when shaun had is accident it was 1600 dollars. glad that your baby is okay though. that had to be SO scary. love the pictures of allie in her hat and hairbows. ADORABLE!
Oh I am so right there with you on the time spent on baseball!! My husband said his arm is in great pitching form, but its his legs and back that are bothering him too :)
That hat is just adorable! I will have to go check out her things. Aren't the blog friendships the most wonderful surprise?
Nope, didn't know it would cost you to have the ambulance come and not transport... but why am I so not surprised anymore?
Busy busy busy!!! She is adorable!
Awwwww, I love unexpected gifts! Those are the coolest. Neat how we form friendships online, huh? I've already received two unexpected gifts from blogger friends. What a neat bond we form with people we've never even met!!!
Hi Stephanie!
Wow..how awesome you got to meet her! I love her hats and headbands! I was a total bow freak w/ my youngest daughter, so I can totally appreciate all that stuff..LOL!!
Remind me never to sign my boys up for baseball! LOL..just kidding. My sister and her sons play, and it seems like it's all year round!!!!!!
Blech, the medical field... don't even get me started. INSANE is putting it nicely.
Oh my, that hat is way to cute. I just love it and Allie looks adorable in it. Awesome photos!
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