This is where Allie's hands can be found 98% of the time right now. Yesterday her first tooth broke through. You can rub your finger against her gum now and feel it(well you personally can't but you get the drift) :) She did amazingly well getting that first tooth out...I am shocked how happy and sweet she is...I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of her life. Seriously...when she wasn't sleeping well it occured to me one morning that she might be close to getting her first tooth so I looked and could see that it was almost there. Up until two days ago I didn't even realize it was so close. When I saw it...I begged her to hold it in..I mean it..I really did!!! I pleaded with her to please stay little longer and to just keep that tooth to herself for a while longer..I just wasn't ready for it..hell what I am saying..I'm still not ready for it! It's getting here though. You still can't look in her mouth and visibly see anything yet but I can feel it and of course she knows it's there. Hopefully she isn't showing me that she really isn't going to listen when she gets older :)

I still haven't caught up on everyones blogs yet. I wasn't even on the computer at all yesterday. I really am going to try and get caught up very soon so please forgive me for not commenting right now. I'm trying to get things together but some days right now it's just more than I can handle.
hope the tooth coming through will provide you both with some much needed sleep
I cried when my first born got there first tooth because I just loved that toothless grin. She is a sweetie!
Congrats Allie! I know babies are sweet, but I'm loving Trevor's age. It can be tough sometimes, but he's SO entertaining & it's nice to be able to communicate!
How precious!! I read on another blog how her baby boy just got his first tooth!!
I remember those days!!!
HUGS to you Stephanie!!
Aww, how sweet.. Leala is working om her 3rd tooth now..
I understand things being too much to handle.. Don't worry about commenting, as long as you don't forget me!
I have been begging my kids for years to quit growing up but they aren't listening!
Bless her heart! We have been having a terrible time with Brody with his newest tooth. Hope things get better for you. Merry Christmas!
What a cutie, glad to hear that the tooth coming through wasn't a burden! Watch out now, cuz her chomps will hurt!!
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