I figured I need to get around to blogging about Christmas at some point. I am going to break it up into a couple of posts though or there would be TONS of pictures on here. The one above is from Christmas Eve at my dad's house. We go over there every Christmas Eve and have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.
Here's Caleb watching Santa. This is one of their favorite things to do on Christmas Eve. We saw him stopping in several places that I had never even heard of before. Such a busy man!
I posted this one of Jacob on Christmas Eve because for some reason I don't have one of him with his Santa present. My dad and mom got him a fighter/wrestler for his Christmas Eve present. I've fought it all I can but he's just a fighting boy. I used to be so against all that but he loves it so what's a mom to do.
This is one of my favorite gifts!!!! I'll cherish it forever! My cousin is here for a while and he is one of those awesome artistic types. He worked on this with the kids and made it for us for Christmas. I need to take a picture of the front of it tomorrow so I can show you-it's one of my prized possessions though!
Here's the tree before we went to bed on Christmas Eve. We were up until about 230.
Here's Lucas with his Santa present. He's wanted a guitar for a very long time so he finally got his wish!
My dad and mom got him lessons-those started this week.
Caleb got a workshop from Santa! He is absolutely in love with it as is everyone else in our house apparently. He wasn't very interested in any other presents after he saw this!
Allie slept until after Santa/stockings and breakfast on Christmas morning. She didn't get up until after 9. I got her on video with her Santa but for some reason there aren't any pictures of her with it at the very beginning. More to come tomorrow.....

Love seeing the pictures and I love seeing a smile on your face. I can't wait to see the front of whatever that gift was :)
Great pictures, looks like everyone had a great time! I can't wait to see the FRONT of the picture you got! :)
Love that first picture of the three of you. So happy. You look awesome by the way. What great presents. My girls would love to get instrument lessons. I need to check into that.
Sounds like a great Christmas so far! I love the picture of the Christmas tree...so pretty with all the lights shining!
Your photos exude such warmth and affection between all of you. It truly looks like a beautiful Christmas and I hope that despite the chaos and uncertainty, the love that comes through your post is the tie that will continue to bind and sustain you!!
It looks like you guys had a great Christmas! I love that first picture...Allie looks so happy!
I still have to do my pictures too...lol
I think Kain got the same guitar as Lucas!
Looks like y'all had a wonderful Christmas!
you look happy in the pics, glad to see that! can't wait to see the front of your picture:)
Aww, I love all the pictures! I'm glad you guys had a great time!
Great pics! I can't believe how the kids have grown!
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