So they're calling for winter weather here starting tomorrow night and leading into Saturday. It's the TOP story everywhere. Morning news/noon news/evening news-it's the first thing they talk about. People here go crazy when they call for any sort of winter weather and when/if we do get it they don't react well in the south. The world stops!!!! Last year when we got about 4 inches of snow the news was on all day long showing it everywere. Seriously we don't get winter weather hardly ever-I take that back-we get ice and the threat of weather but seldom does the actual snow materialize. The kids are anxious and I'm not so happy about it. Don't get me wrong I love the snow and would love nothing more to sit and watch it fall until it is knee deep and everything looks so pure and peaceful outside. But not this weekend-of all weekends for it to happen-David has been on call since Tuesday and although the week hasn't been bad so far well it is clear the weekend is going to be a totally different story. I dread if something happens having to get four kids in and out of the ice/snow and doing all the laundry that will accompany them. I just want to sit back and enjoy the weather not sit and panic about my husband out on the icy and wet roads. Ugh!!! In a way I hope we get it because I know the kids want it and I'll admit there's nothing like pictures in the snow but then again I dread it-I'd like for it to be 60 outside and just send them out the door to play the day away.
For tonight I've got to head to the store and not for bread and milk because in SC it will all be gone already :) CRAZY PEOPLE but for coffee and orange juice. Because if Caleb and Allie have no orange juice well we're screwed over the weekend and I don't want to run out in the ice and rain just for oj-I have enough excitement in my life for now.