Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I have waited until the very last possible minute to do this because honestly I really didn't think I had it in me. This self portrait theme just got me everytime I thought about it. Allie really wasn't in the mood for pictures either so making excuses for not taking them really wasn't difficult. So of course it won't be the winner but it is what it is and I actually did it :) Go check them out..I HEART faces is a photography blog that shows off tons of photographers each and every week. It's really neat to see what everyone comes up with! I had to get creative because Allie wasn't into me just holding her and clicking away...so we got on the floor and were playing around. I found it very difficult to hold and click with my new camera but here's what we got.

Updated: Even after posting I was too late to enter..guess I procrastinated too long but oh well. I still did it and conquered my fear even if I didn't make it in time :)


Shannon said...

I love those rolls on her arms! My babies are string-beans and I always thought I'd have a little, round rolly baby, but no.
That's a cute picture.
Our new dogs are outside. They would be perfectly content inside in our laps but that spot is occupied by my kids. :) We have a lab/mix too. Thankfully we have plenty of space for the animals.

He & Me + 3 said...

vEry cute and what fun!

McCrakensx4 said...

I think it is a super cute pic! Good for you for posting! :)

More Than Words said...

Steph..that's still a winner in my book!!!!!

Heather said...

That happened to me a few weeks ago... I was just too late. It's a cute pic, though! Isn't it a little hard to take these shots with our little ones? The only way I could do it was by strapping Aidan in the carrier. I'm a cheat!

Stacy said...

At least you tried. I saw the theme and decided to skip it...lol.

Alicia W. said...

I haven't entered in any of them. At least you attempted. That says a lot. I love the picture you picked out.

Everyday Mom Designs said...

Aww, such a cute picture!

Cassie said...

That's a great picture though!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Yay!! I'm so glad that you took this photo even if it was too late to post it. You look super-cute and like the two of you are having so much fun. :)

Drew said...

Good for you! I find it incredibly difficult to be the one in photos too. You're absolutely beautiful! You should be in the pictures much more often. You'll be glad that you captured this fun photo with your daughter.