Jacob had his first game of the season last Saturday since Opening Day got rained out. He was so excited..his game wasn't until 12:00 that day but he took what he thought was his uniform the night before and was ready to get dressed at 8:00 the next morning when he got up. It's great to see him so into something. Jacob's favorite color is blue and his team this year is the Dodgers..he couldn't have been happier. He was blue from head to toe and he even put on blue power ranger underwear.....so incredibly cute. He wants to be grown up and big like his brother but inside he really is such a little boy..I love to watch when that pureness comes out. He had a great time and played great. Of course as soon as it was over he wanted to know when he got to play again and was ready to go! With him playing/practicing two days a week and Lucas at 3 we have baseball almost every night of the week so I think they'll have enough by the time the season is over.

David constantly says that he has the right posture...this kid has loved baseball since he was little and Lucas was playing. If he keeps it up and really puts his heart into it I believe he's going to be a great player!

I LOVE this one!
I love the photo of him up at bat. How cute is that?!
How cute, Stephanie!!!! And you look so pretty in the picture too!!!
Those are great photos of him!
They are so cute at this age and so excited to play. He does look like he knows what he's doing:)
great pictures... glad to hear he found something he loves so much!
I wish Summer could play t-ball. That would surely make her daddy happy too! Looks like you all have a lot of fun ahead of you. Hope he sticks it out. :)
Little kids in their uniforms are SO cute!
He is too cute! I hope he keeps his love for baseball.
You got some great pictures! Too cute!
I love the pic of him hitting the ball. You got the ball off the bat and everything! :)
I love the name of your blog.
My husband can't wait until our sons (3 years and 1 year) can play baseball.
If you get a chance, stop by my blog.
Cha Ching Queen
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And follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/chachingqueen
I post anything I think will help others save money and time, or make a little extra cash. Here’s a post I put up today. Don’t forget to get your free food at Denny’s tomorrow.
Feel free to put this on your blog. Just please link back to my site. thanks
Many restaurants are offering special deals and coupons to help customers out in hard times.
In February, Denny’s gave away two million Grand Slam breakfasts. Tomorrow, April 8, from 6am -2pm, Denny’s will have the "Pass Along Grand Slam Kindness" promotion. You get a free Grand Slamwich with the purchase of a Grand Slam. It’s basically 2 meals for the price of one.
The Grand Slamwich, normally $4.99, is a grilled potato bread sandwich with scrambled eggs, seasoned sausage, bacon, shaved ham, American cheese grilled, mayonnaise, and a maple spiced spread. It includes a side of hash browns.
Now, TGI Fridays is offering deals and promotions in April as well.
Members of the Give Me More Stripes club, can get an appetizer for a penny with the purchase of any beverage in the bar and a buy one entrée, get the second for a $1.
Even if you are not a member of the Give Me More Stripes club, you can still take advantage of other coupon deals and promotions. These deals include buy one get on free Jack Daniels entrees, and buy one lunch get one free.
Great pictures...we can't wait for our little guy to start t-ball too. How fun
All those pictures are great!
Your family is precious! Love the photos of your son in his uniform. I know you guys are going to have some fun times!
Those are great! It's rare that we get infront of the camera huh?
So great! Isn't baseball season so much fun! And we are like you, at the ballpark almost every night! I love that they love it! And he really looks like he loves it! Great pic of you and him...
Oh how fun. And so cute! He is a little cutie!
I wanna get Seth in t-ball when he is old enough.
Great action shots! Glad to see you got in one of the pictures too! :)
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