Allie got her first goose egg last night. She was on the couch and fell and hit her head on Lucas' head. At first we thought she had hit the side of her head but she was so upset I really didn't pay attention to what part she had hurt. She finally settled down and when I was able to look closer I saw the knot on her eye. Ugh!!!!! I felt horrible for her! She was pretty fussy the rest of the night after that.
In other news with her she seems to be doing better over the last few days..she isn't as fussy and I've been giving her some Benadryl at night so she's been sleeping much better with the exception of the night before last. Her nose has pretty much completely stopped running and her spirits are much better! Yesterday was her 11 month birthday and I'm trying to get everything organized in my head for her party. It's not going to be anything huge with tons of people but I like to make it special and I want for her to look back when she's older and realize that it was important to me. We'll just have family my opinion one year olds can get easily overstimulated with lots of people around. I'm trying to not focus on the days and counting down but when I realized yesterday that there was only one month left before her birthday I about lost it. I'm having a hard time with it right now...I think it's a combination of the fact that she's our last baby and that she's my baby girl but it's just difficult right now. She's started waving at people and she's pointing at things like crazy. Still catnapping...not sure if she'll ever get the hang of a real nap..maybe that'll come someday...or I could be sleep deprived forever..either way it's worth it to have her around.
Poor girl! She's a trooper though!
I understand about the birthday stuff... It was hard for me too!
I thought Leala would never nap, but in the past few weeks, she has finally gotten the hang of it! After almost 15 months! The day before yesterday, she actually slept an hour and a half (and that was after sleeping in). Hopefully Allie will get the hang of it too.
I'm sorry for her! Its amazing how time flies.
Poor little sweetie! I'm glad that it wasen't really bad and could be fixed with lot's of kisses.
Oh Steph, I know the feeling your going through with her approaching her 1st birthday. I cried for weeks and even cried again after the fact. It's hard because they are our babies and this last year has FLOWN by faster than any other.
Hang in there sweetie
Oh, I meant to ask.. how are you coming along for her party? Did you decide on a theme and what all your going to do. I LOVE birthday's and seeing all the fun stuff my friends come up with. You girls can be so freakin creative.
Are you guys going to Disney on Ice here in Cola Thurs - Sun? Wasen't sure if you were coming to my neck of the woods or not. :o)
Awww.... poor girl! She is still smiling and sweet. I love that babies don't know to feel sorry for themselves yet. It's so charming. They are just genuinely happy creatures.
It is hard seeing them grow up so quickly. She's adorable. Love those eyes.
Wow..I remember when my little guy got a feel soo bad and think that everyone is staring at you..but they aren't! This too will go away! Hope she feels better about it!
Awwww!!!! Poor baby!!!! I bet that really hurt!!!
Wow..1 already!!!!!!! No matter how big she gets, she will always be your baby!!!
Aww poor thing. Summer fell out of her bed last night and has a little bump :-(
I'm glad she's feeling better!
Poor Baby! She looks like she has quite the bump.
As far as the nap thing goes. If she doesn't have it down now she probably won't. Our first daughter was a horrible sleeper, never wanted to take REAL naps, and she's still a horrible sleeper to this day. I will most likely be sleep deprived until she is an adult.
Mine never really napped great during the day, but slept all night and late in the morning, so it was okay with me!
Aw poor girl. I am really worried about Jackson hitting his head now that we are living in an apartment with all tile floors!
oh shit. at first i didn't see it but then suddenly i was like dammmn thats a big bump
Even with that big bump...she is still so cute. love the 2 teeth in the front. So sweet!
Oh man, I hate it when our little kiddos get hurt. You feel so bad for them. I know what you mean about feeling sad when they are about to turn one. I like your idea of a small party. Wish we knew what those were. I think it's just so hard because we're Hispanic and have a ton of family.
Well, I guess I will talk to you later!
P.S. Glad that Allie's feeling and sleeping better!
Poor baby! I just hate it when they get hurt! I'm sure she'll have a great b-day!
Poor girl! I thought boys were supposed to be the ones with all the bruises! :)
Glad the benedryl is helping. I can't believe she's almost a year old!! Where does the time go?!?
She is a cutie. very cuuuuuute.
I'm so with you! Jordyn's birthday is on Saturday. We know that she is our last baby, which makes it even harder to see her grow up. She walked all the way across the living room this evening like nobody's business. Where oh where did my baby go? Bet you're feeling the same way!
Oh no! Poor Allie. Glad she's been sleeping better though. I can't believe her birthday is less than a month away! Such a big girl already. :)
oh poor sweet girl! that looks painful!
I'll tell you what, Jayci was the QUEEN of not sleeping. ever. and then she cat-napped (like 15 minutes at a time) and for the last two days she has been sleeping like a champ. I'm of course not getting my hopes up. And always trying to remember that these things are just phases and they pass far too quickly!!! :-) i cant wait to hear about her party!
*And I feel like crying often at how FAST it's going!
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