Caleb was the first one up yesterday morning and when he got up he actually didn't even notice his basket. He walked right past it and into the kitchen to get his breakfast...I had to walk into the living room and ask him what that was sitting on the floor. As soon as he saw it though it was over..he was at it...he wasn't one of those that started tearing through it though. He very slowly looked at one thing and if it was candy he'd say "I need that" "I need that now." I would then have to point something else out that was in there and then he'd be interested in that until I showed him something else.

Allie got bath toys in her Easter basket this year. She has so many toys and of course she can't eat candy yet but she had not been outfitted with toys for the bathtub yet..she'd been playing with some of the boys things that were safe for her and of course as much as she loves the bathtub she had to have her own. She started going through her basket when she woke up with the help of Caleb and had a great time. She actually played with them on the floor for a while and even last night before we went to bed she was at it again. Seems she likes playing with them on the floor too.
You can see that at the beginning Allie went for Caleb's basket..he immediately grabbed hers trying to let her know that his basket was not hers...too cute!
Allie was quickly fascinated by her basket...she sat and played with it for a while...I'm fascinated at the things that amaze her.
Caleb wanted to play with Allie's toys very quickly also. He played with them for a good while...I tell ya they always like baby toys no matter how old they get..I'll never understand it.

cute pictures. Abby has the same outfit as Allie. Great Target deal!
Can't wait to see the other two with their baskets! Great pictures:)
the pictures are so sweet! i love the one of allie laying by the pail.
Great pictures! Bath toys would have been a great idea for my little girl. Didn't think about that. I'm a grinchy mommy and didn't get her anything. :/ My sisters let me know that wasn't acceptable! I just figured she's a baby and won't remember it anyway. My cheapness coming through there! :)
those are cute... I love the one of Caleb trying to eat the lollipop
Looks like your two little ones really raked it in! :)
I don't even want to think about all the photos I took this weekend. There's well over 200 of them. I will probably have two Easter posts, too! :)
I don't think I ever realized what a huge holiday Easter is. Jackson got tons and tons of toys and as I look around the blogs, I see that other kids are too. It's practically Christmas all over again!
Love the pictures! Kids are so fun to watch. Nothing better to bring a smile to a grown up's face!
Awww..those are precious pictures, Stephanie!! It's cute how he's drawn to that humongous lollipop!!! LOL
Great pictures...I love Caleb's baby feet. So chubby and precious. That is the same sucker we used in the bio pictures for the kids play. Hope he enjoys it!
Great pictures! I love her smile and I love the one with the ginormous lollipop! Can't wait to see the rest of the morning!
Love all the easter pics!
Great shots, looks like they had a blast, I love the baby playing with her basket, the empty basket, that's often the favorite part for babies it seems.
Love to see those cute picture!! I like their cute and sweet toys... Kids really like them a lot...
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