Allie hurt her ear on Halloween night. We're still really not sure how it happened but the best we can figure out is that the kids were playing around the porch swing and she got hit. It immediately swelled up and turned every nasty color in the book. The next morning the swelling was down but it was unbelievable how nasty it looked. I've never ever seen anyone with a bruised ear before but she really scored one. We are almost a week later and it is just now improving...still very noticeable bruising and about 5 different colors but slowly improving. First time for everything!

Oh goodness! I've not seen anything like that :) Is it hurting her much? Gosh, hope it continues to get better quickly!
Oh no!! Poor baby. That looks like it really hurts. I hope it heals soon!
Your poor little princess!!!! That looks like it hurts!!
OUch. Poor thing I hope that it doesn't hurt to sleep on. It looks painful.
Aw, love her heart! I hope it isn't giving her any problems!
That's a big OUCH! Glad it is getting better!
Oh my goodness!!! Poor Allie:(
That does look nasty,hopefully it will heal quickly!
OUCH . . poor little girl.. things happen so fast and we never know the true story. Glad she is ok though even though it looks painful.
Oh no that poor little girl!! Looks like it definitely hurt, I hope it heals soon! Until then, the best medicine is lots of mommy kisses...but you knew that! :)
Oh my! I think my mouth fell to the ground when I saw the pic of Allie's ear. What a tough little girl you've got there! I hope she gets better soon!
Owch! Poor allie.
Today we were at the park and Riley walked into the moving merry go round, fell and hit her head on it while it was moving.
Wow, poor thing! I hope it doesn't hurt her too much...
OUCH! hope it looks worse than it feels. Bless her heart.
Their ears bruise really bad, this has happened to both my kids. I don't know what happened either time, but it always looks so bad!
It just looks like it could "pop"! Ouch! Poor girl! She's liable to get more bumps before it's all over with!
Yuk! It's looks like it still hurts! Hope it heals quickly!
Ouch...hope she is feeling better soon!
OUCH!!! Poor little thing. =0(
It hurts me just looking at it!
Oh my goodness. That looks like it hurt. Poor baby!
Hope it's heals soon.
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