This is my new best friend! Let me give you a little history though. I've had Internet Explorer ever since I started using a computer. I've never used anything other than Internet Explorer and, okay I guess I'll be honest with you and prove my stupidity, until a few weeks ago I didn't know you could use anything other than Internet Explorer to get onto the internet.
For a while now there have been several blogs that I haven't been able to read like I used to. I'd click on the title of the blog in my dashboard and I would get a block that would come up saying the page couldn't be opened or operation was aborted like it meant serious stuff or something. I would then click on the title of the post and wait it out hoping for luck to strike and it go through. Sometimes it would...sometimes it wouldn't and it would usually take several times to get it to work. Sometimes I'd click and all I'd get was the left sidebar and the header but no posts at all. It was very frustrating. I was told by someone to try Google Reader and I did...it allowed me to read the posts but I couldn't figure out how to comment within there. I had a few people email me and tell me that they couldn't view my blog either. I'm not technically enhanced so I had no idea what to do. Then a few days ago my awesome friend Julie who always tries to answer my questions and designed my blog told me to try Firefox. I had no idea what it was but I had heard it mentioned a few times so I googled it just to see. I decided I would try it and I've been in heaven ever since.
I can open up all blog pages and view everything!!!!! I can even open my own blog and see it all!!!! It is soooo nice and it's even faster when it comes to loading other peoples blog pages. So for those of you out there that are having problems loading blog pages or can't get into certain blogs....I highly suggest that you try Firefox! The only thing I've found so far is that I can't download Flash Player into it. When I pull certain pages up it tells me that a plug in is missing and suggests I download Flash Player but when I go to do that I am not able. The Flash Player they suggest I download for Firefox is under a regular windows operating system and I have Vista. The player they suggest for Vista is for an Internet Explorer program. I need to go online to their live chat but I haven't been able to catch them yet. If anyone has Vista and Firefox and has any suggestions I would love to hear them. But other than that it is so much nicer!!!!!! I love being able to see all my blogs :)
I've had IE probs in the past but I'm too lazy to do something else right now. lol.
I can't get over how you blog everyday, have 4 kids, and still seem to have tons of energy. Can you share your secret? lol
I'm a firefox convert, too, though I prefer IE for writing blog posts w/pics. :)
I was able to get around the Flash Player problem on my computer, but my husband wasn't. We both have Vista. Weird.
I love firefox
I've been using Firefox for a couple of years now and I love it! My husband is a computer geek and he had it installed on our computers.
Isn't Firefox the best?!?! After using it I can't go back to IE. I read that Blogger was actually designed for use on Firefox, so if that isn't enough to convince people I don't know what else is! :)
I've had some problems in the past, but not much lately. I'll at least know I have an alternative now!
Thanks for the info!
LOL, Steph!!!
I only have Firefox on my MAC, so I had no idea there were IE issues till I used my kids computer. I was like, "What is wrong w/ this?"
I love FF!!!!
Wow! I have been having that exact same problem! Now, I know what to do about it! Thanks for the info! :)
So glad you posted about this. I had tried to see your blog earlier this morning & of course, I kept getting an error message.
I'm heading out the door to Zoe's gymnastics class. However, when I get home I am going to have to try Firefox. I might be contacting you if I need help! (or maybe I'll go straight to the source - Julie!)
Woo-hoo! Me too! I finally made the switch yesterday. I was worried I wouldn't be able to have all my favorites, but it was super easy to import them into Firefox. I'm so excited that I don't have to keep reopening blogs to try to get them to work. Now I just wonder why I didn't do that sooner...
Hey Stephanie. We use Firefox too. Boy, has technology spoiled us. I get so let down, when the internet doesn't work. I blame it on our modem. Glad you got figured out.
Your friend Julie did a great job on your blog. That's the first thing I thought when it was downloading on my screen. It's so cute!
Anyway,thanks for visiting me at the 5 Moms. I hope you enjoy a nice yummy and cheap frapp soon.
I have heard so much about that...I will have to check it out.
I love FireFox!!! It works great! We hate IE.
Yes, I had to switch to Firefox as I couldn't view my own blog. I have received a few emails myself about people not being able to read it in IE so I told them to switch.
I found that out by googling the problem and that's what people said.
Isn't it nice to have people help you and give you tips on here?
I am a HUGE fan of fire fox as well!!! For some reason a few years back my computer was possessed I swear... when I was using Explorer...me and firefox have been a match made in heaven. Glad to know someone else is diggin the fox!
I have Vista and Firefox and somehow was able to download a flash player. I'll have to check around and see if I can figure out what I did. So, did you know that when you go to a site like I ♥ Faces and view blogs from Mr. Linky, all you have to do is click on each entry while holding down Control? Each entry will open up into a new window. It's super fast and easy to view quite a few blogs in a short matter of time. Firefox is definitely kicking Explorer's behind lately! :)
welcome to the firefox club!
Hey, don't feel bad about not knowing about Firefox until recently. A few months ago, I was in the same boat. I was having trouble with my DSL connection and when I called for tech support the guy was like, do you have any other browsers and I was like, what? He went on to suggest Firefox and I had no clue what he was talking about. I ended up checking it out and downloading it and it wasn't as bad as I thought, but I think I'm a creature of habit, because I always tend to gravitate back to IE. I guess that might have to change that if I want to read your blog! :) Talk to you later!
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