I'll admit it!...I'm horrified of getting old. I know it's better than the other choice but still I'm scared. I want to stay the age I am forever!!!!!! I'd rather get old than not be here but the thought of aging petrifies me! I've two years away from 30...I know for tons and tons of people that's not old and really I know it's not but the problem is it's closer to 40 and 50 and 60 then I'd like and it freaks me out. So as scared as I am nothings stopping it and today's the day so I figured I'd share a picture from when I was an itty bitty duckling that just appeared for you all to see. You know because your day wouldn't be complete without seeing my mom's whopper sized glasses and my dad with hair back in the early 80s :)
Happy Birthday!!!
Wow those should be used for the Flashback Friday..lol..I see where u get the red hair from:)
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day and a year full of blessings!
Oh sister...Happy Happy, but seriously 28?! Freak out when you are on the down hill slide to 40...which I am!!!
But anyways...I hope you have a fantastic day! Happy Birthday! Take the time to enjoy your day and relax!
Every decade I pass through it just seems to get better and better. You "season" a bit and go through some things that give you clarity and perspective. I worry less, fear less and embrace everything that life has to offer :) I've grown into myself and I wouldn't trade it!
But I once dreaded it too... its a journey... you'll get there :)
I love the pictures =)
I always say "you're never old until you say your old!"
Happy birthday! Enjoy the ride :-) My grandmother is 96 yrs old, still lives at home, has a better mind than I do and basically kicks butt! Getting "older" doesn't always mean getting "old" ;-)
Happy Birthday, Stephanie!
A very special and happy birthday to you!! Half way to 56 ain't all that bad! Super fab photos! At least they are from the 80's and not the 70's. Thanks for the reminder of how old I really am! ;)
Happy Birthday! The "I'm worried about my age" thing has never bothered me. Life just gets better and better. When I turned 40, somebody asked, "How old are you?" I said, "50." Their response was, "Wow! You look so great." It made my day. When I hit 45, I decided the joke wasn't worth the risk. They might say, "O.K."
I guess I think if you embrace each year, you get extra blessings, kind of like whip cream on a Sunday!
Happy Birthday. Hey, if it makes you feel better, I'm 34. I also hate the thought of getting old. :)
Your dad was CUTE! :) Mine was too way back when. lol.
Yeah, I was a little freaked to hit 30...and now I'm 32... and although my age has shot up, I don't feel old. At least, not yet. :)
You crack me up! I am 9 years older than you and I don't feel old, I still think of myself as a young adult;)
Happy Birthday, hope it was great!
Happy (belate) Birthday!!! I hope you had a wonderful one! I am only 22 (not rubbing it in or anything), but I know how you feel. I feel like I'm already an old woman married to my hubby who's 30 & a baby almost 1. Wow, crazy! :)
Don't say your old! That means I'm old too since were the same age, lol. Hope you had a fantastic birthday sweets!
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