We got back on Sunday night but it seems as though I'm still playing catch up. I haven't touched my blog since Friday morning and although I feel behind I feel kinda good too. I am one of those that stresses about everything. I stress if I don't blog for a day,if I don't visit everyone's blogs everyday,if there are people that don't comment...I stress. I don't know..I'm one of those that analyzes everything and most of the time I over analyze it. For the past 4 1/2 days I have not worried about blogging or making sure I made it around to everyone's blog...I didn't even mess with it. It felt nice to sit down at night and think that I needed to make it around to all the blogs I follow so that people didn't feel like I didn't care or didn't think about them..I just sat and tried to organize some of the thousands of pictures that I have on my computer. Did I make it through all of those pictures like I had planned on....well OF COURSE NOT...but I got through some and really does life ever go exactly as planned? So I'm back in blog world and now I have lots of catching up to do..I'm going to try my hardest not to stress day to day over blogging because honestly it shouldn't be stresses but more likely than not that won't happen so I'll just take it as it comes for now.
We left Friday morning about 10 to head to Gatlinburg...good thing we left early because we ended up behind every slow person in the nation that was headed up the mountain to Gatlinburg on Friday-encountered a car fire that stalled the interstate-visited a Cracker Barrel in Hendersonville NC where David purchased a NC Tarheels hat and then mistakeningly left it on a table which he remembered when we got about 15 miles down the road resulting in a not so quick turnaround to go capture the missing hat with Allie crying in the back-a not so happy baby girl that was extremely tired. I asked myself several times on the way there why in the world we decided to do this little mini vacation.
Then she fell asleep and life was peaceful for about 30 minutes-and what a glorious 30 minutes it was.

As we were heading to check into our cabin we passed these cows walking around in the pond on the side of the road. I'm crazy but I thought it was so cool!

This is my favorite picture taken of Allie the entire trip. We were driving in downtown Pigeon Forge on the way to check in and we put all the windows down..it was the happiest she had been the entire day and it was like she was saying Alleluia-we're here! I just love this!!!

Then we checked in and headed up the mountain only to find that the lock on the door was filled with dead batteries so we had to wait 45 minutes for a maintenance man to come and replace them. After we finally got in the cabin and got everything unloaded we decided we were going to grab a bite to eat before we headed to the grocery store-only to find before we left that the satellite needed to be reset..another call to the maintenance dept and a couple of hours later we had satellite and tv. My wild children immediately broke a pool stick and of course because we can't have a trip without multiple accidents my husband(who I must note is as bad as my kids)knocked a decorative bear off with another pool stick before the first night was over. I did not make a trip to the drug store for super glue to repair their accidents!!!!
The view from our deck the first night we arrived. Pure Heaven!

On Saturday we went to the outlet mall in the morning and went back for naps. We spent alittle time in the hot tub that afternoon and then after dinner we headed to downtown Gatlinburg. Lucas decided he wanted to ride the sky lift-I was shocked he wanted to ride it since it went so high up but he insisted so we headed up. I think I was more nervous than he was...David and I went up it right after we got married but being on it without him made me extremely uneasy. It stopped several times on the way back down the mountain which didn't do my nerves any better either...Lucas was funny and asked me why I didn't think he could protect me :) We stopped and had some yummy ice cream before heading in for the night.

I absolutely adore this picture of David and Allie. I knew I loved him before she was born but the love that I have for him grew deeper than I ever imagined after I saw him hold her in his arms. I fall more and more in love with him everytime I watch him internet with her.

David and I have very few pictures together. I got Lucas to try and snap a few..most of them resulted with David's head cut off..this one came out relatively well though and I'm fairly happy with the result.

Here's the sky lift. I was informed on the way up before they snap your picture when you get off at the top that he knew I wouldn't buy the picture that they took because I was cheap. Needless to say-I bought the picture....my way of saying-In your face son :)

This was the tub in the master bedroom...it was HUGE! Seriously we could have all fit in there comfortably...we didn't try that but it was that big!!!

Sunday to come tomorrow.....