Mama M. over at My Little Life hosts this weekly blog carnival so head over to her blog and join in. It looks like a lot of fun!!!!

1. What are you most afraid of?
I am absolutely terrified of bugs. Especially spiders and most specifically jumping spiders! If I see one in a room I'll shut the door and not go in that room again until my husband gets home and can kill it for me. Absolutely TERRIFIED! I mean really this world could be just as pleasant and spin on its axis if we didn't have jumping spiders-aren't spiders bad enough without having the capability to jump on us. YUCK!! Gives me chills just thinking about them!
2. Do you use a flat iron or curling iron?
I don't use either. I was cursed with naturally curly hair and the texture is so coarse that a flat iron is a disaster waiting to happen. If I haven't said it before I hate my hair!
3. Hands-free or phone to the ear?
Phone to the ear. I've never owned a bluetooth though I do use the speaker at times on my phone. I've thought about getting my husband one though so if you have one and have likes or dislikes let me know so I can look into it for him.
4. Do you have a matching bedroom set?
Yes. Sleigh bed and I adore the style of it. I always wanted a sleighbed so that was the first thing I looked at it. I would love to get a better quality one though one day.
5. Do you believe in the paranormal?
I don't and my mom will think I'm insane. She loves stuff like that and completely believes in it. I think it's spookier to me to think it's true so easier to deny it.
This was fun! I'll definitely be doing this again next week so head over and join in!!

This meme does sound like fun!
I don't have a bed set but would LOVE to have a sleigh bed. Those always look so awesome. Maybe someday...!
Hey Stephanie!! So glad to have you join in!!
I love the photo of your three little men and your adorable lady in her tutu! Wow!
I LOVE sleigh beds! When we are ready, we're going to buy an Amish bedroom set...sleigh bed a MUST!!
Hope to see you next week!
Oh my gosh sleigh beds are my favorite. I love those. I am afraid of bugs and snakes. YUCK
If you get a chance to stop by, I am having a giveaway at my blog & the 5 moms blog today.
Oh I would LOVE a sleigh bed, I always wanted on too. At this point I would be happy with ANY type of big girl bedroom set...for some reason the kids got theirs first, so we wait. :)
Ugh, I hate spiders too!
Ok when I did this meme I definitely thought it said, "do you having a matching BED set." I was thinking of all the sheets and stuff...not the actual furniture. LOL Oh well!
Yes sleigh bed, love!
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