I'm trying to get the thoughts in my head clear and sometimes that is best down by writing them out so I'm hoping by the time I get done with this post I might feel alittle better. We had a very eventful night last night....a life changing night. You know there are a few moments in time that forever change you...last night was one of those for David and I.
Lucas had his end of the season party last night. We're still playing but we're in tournament play and we went ahead and did our party this week. We had the party at one of Lucas' teammates house and the kids had access to a pool and running around in their gorgeous yard to play the night away. When I was at the store earlier in the day I bought Jacob a new innertube to float with because he doesn't swim yet..at home when he's in our pool he goes all the way around hanging on to the side. He's terrified to go in the middle. Last year he refused to go to swimming lessons...unforunately for him this year he doesn't have a choice. While I was at the store I also bought Caleb a lifevest..you know one of those that you slip on over a swimmie diaper and has shorts attached to it and the vest built in. Last year in our pool he was in a baby float because he was only a year old so he didn't have anything for the pool this year..I figured we would use it so I'd go ahead and buy it. When we got to the party Caleb said he wanted to get in the water so I put his vest on. He dipped his toes in and went on the first step in the shallow end but never went any further. All night long he kept that vest on...he didn't want to take it off yet didn't want anything to do with the water either. All the while Allie was in a very rare mood and screamed the entire night. David and I were constantly switching off a inconsolable baby while trying to watch all the other kids too. Towards the end of the party most everyone had left..there were only 3 or 4 parents left with their kids and we were standing around talking. Lucas was in the pool swimming still,Jacob was around the pool playing and Caleb was messing around with a ball and going back and forth eating cake.
Next thing I know I look over and Caleb is sitting on the side of the pool with one of the kids parents standing over him and he's crying. I run to him,pick him up and put him beside me. He had fallen in...noone saw him fall in....I have no idea how long he was under there and I feel like I could have a heart attack just writing about it. God put an angel at that party with us that night...one of the parents found him. He said he was walking by the pool and saw something dark completely submerged in the water going around in a circle like a fish. He thought that it didn't look right so he looked again and realized that it was a kid and jerked him out. I sat with Caleb for a minute and realized that he was breathing very heavy and fast and it felt like he had water in his chest when I put my hand on it. I look at his face and his lips were blue and turning paler by the second. I looked at David and about lost it...he immediately told someone to call an ambulance. By the time they got there he was beginning to get some color back in his body but he was still very subdued. His oxygen level was good but his heart rate was alittle high...we agreed that it was best to take him to the hospital but that we would take him there instead of upsetting him by strapping him to the stretcher. The paramedics were comfortable enough that he would be fine but thought that he should be checked out soon in case something else developed later on. We quickly brought the other three kids to my mom and headed to the hospital. They hooked him up to a monitor for his heart and oxygen,took blood and did a chest xray. Everything looked good but they wanted to admit him overnight just to observe him and make sure he didn't develop any other symptoms. We finally got in a room about 1 this morning. I had finally gotte him to sleep when he woke up about 2 gagging and throwing up water. After that he crashed and this morning they let us come home. He's got to go back for a followup this week with our doctor just to make sure he's still doing well. Right now he has a little cold and a wet sounding cough but otherwise is in good spirits and doing remarkably well.
My mind has been running all day and I still find that I can't put everything I am thinking and feeling into words. The scariest thing for me and the one thing that I am finding hard to sit down and actually let myself go there is how close we came to losing him last night. Noone saw him go in...there were 5 parents around the pool and not one person saw him go in..if that parent had not walked by when he did and looked down my precious baby boy would not be in his bed right now. There's not a doubt in my mind that if he hadn't seen him when he did that I wouldn't have him tonight. The man that pulled him out is my hero...I owe everything to him and I will forever be in debt for what he did for Caleb and our entire family. I will never be able to repay him and I honestly don't know how to comprehend what he did. I could do nothing when I saw him today other than to just put my arms around his neck and tell him thank you. What do you say to the person that saved your babys life? I am beating myself up because I allowed it to happen...I can not believe that he went in the water and I didn't even see it. Geez!!!! I tell you one thing...I have not taken one moment for granted today. I do it everyday...take everything I possibly can for granted...today has been totally different. My sweet Caleb is laying in his bed tonight healthy and breathing for a reason and I am forever grateful!
I've had no sleep since Thursday night and still have Allie's birthday cakes to decorate for her party tomorrow night. I'm excited for her though and will eventually get them done. For tonight...I'm cleaning up...going to kiss my sweet boys cheek and going to bed. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend...and walk in your kids bedrooms or wherever they are when you read this and give them a hug! It only takes a split second for something to happen.
Oh my, Stephanie! How scary that must have been for you! Thank goodness he is okay.
I had a pool scare once with one of my girls. My MIL and I were sitting around a hot tub where my nephews and oldest (2 at the time) were playing. We were not even an arm's length away from her. My MIL and I broke conversation just in time to notice that my precious girl's head was under the water. She hadn't even made a splash as she slipped under. I pulled her out, she coughed a bit and was fine after that. It took me a lot longer to get over that incident than it did for her.
Saying an extra prayer of praise for you and your family tonight....
That was very scary. Thank God for that angel in the form of a parent. Wow. You are right, life is short and we shouldn't take anything for granted because none of us are promised tomorrow.
Oh my goodness Stephanie, what an awful experience. I am glad that he is doing ok. I know that it was scary, but try not to beat yourself up over it too much. When Colin was not even 2 yet, a cabinet fell on Colin and broke his femur...if my niece would not have been pulling on him, it would've landed on his chest and I believe he probably would have been killed. Know that God held him in his hand the entire time...have peace and kiss him often!! Hope you have a great party tomorrow!
Oh honey, I am so thankful and praise the Lord that he is ok. I hate to hear you say you "let it happened" b/c thats not true sweetie, every since I read your blog you have shown in many ways that you are an amazing mother, accidents happen and God was right there when it did! God is amazing!!!!! Love ya!
Oh, Stephanie!!! God was totally watching out for him and sent that man there at that right exact moment!!! That is totally, 100% God!!!
I know exactly how you feel because almost the exact same thing happened to me and my son Eli! He was only 1 at the time, and we were all swimming at my sisters house. It was just me, her, and my mom, and our kids. At the time I only had three and she had two, and they were all 6 yrs old and younger. We all took a break to eat, and all of a sudden, my nephew starts pointing at the pool!! It was like I knew at that second exactly what he meant. I must have sprinted over to the pool to find Eli (remember 1 yrs old) just floating on his back, face above water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was soooooo calm, and not even panicked!!! I don't even know how he got himself in the pool because he was away from the steps!!!!! When I yanked him out he was just smiling like there was nothing wrong!!!! Me, on the other hand could not get the worst scenario out of my head!! I just know, that I know, that I know that there was an angel there holding him up. Makes me cry just thinking about it!! I know you feel guilty, I know all those emotions that are going through in your mind. You're not a bad mom, you're not neglectful. It just happened in a blink of an eye, but praise the Lord, He didn't allow Caleb to drown. I really feel that in those circumstances, it makes us rely on God more, and to see how big HE really is!!!! I know that it made me appreciate my kids that much more, and also to know that God is real, and God is there!!
I hope you get some rest, and I'll be praying for you guys!!!!! Again, don't feel like a bad mom! You're not!!!!
OH WOW. Stephanie, I can only imagine what you're feeling right now. Beyond scary. I know you're going to beat yourself up for awhile about not seeing him go in, but you'll just have to give yourself a break. What a miracle it was that the parent saw him! Definitely life-changing, that's for sure!!
Chad fell asleep watching Aidan the other day and I came in from the backyard, saw him asleep on the couch, and immediately screamed, "Where's AIDAN????" He flew off the couch and we found our Pod, climbing on the stairs. What if he had fallen? Ugh. Nothing like a drowning, but geez. It's so scary!
Hope you survive Allie's party - you'll be thankful to have ALL of your sweet children with you, safe and sound. Hey, Caleb will always be abel to share the "dramatic story" that happened to him as a kid! : )
Oh my goodness! I know that was so scary for you. We kinda had the same thing happen last year with Zoe. No one even saw her go in and there was about 20 people there. I am so thankful that your baby boy is safe and sound.
that is very scary... glad that parent had the right instinct to check and see what it was and that he's ok
I am so glad that he is ok! I know your heart must still be trying to get back to beating normally. The Lord was watching - He must have big plans for little Caleb!
Oh my gosh! Stephanie...I am SO glad that Caleb is alright! My SIL had that happen with one of her boys several years ago. Tons of people were around the pool...same scenario. So terrifying. Praying for you guys.
Dear friend,
I'm just now reading this. I took a few days away from the computer. I'm so thankful God was watching over your precious baby. What a scary thing to go through. Don't blame yourself. Kids move so quickly it only take a second. You are a good mom.
Have FUN with Allie's party, don't stress too much.
Take Care my friend.
Oh that is ridiculously scary! I am so sorry, but so glad he is okay!
OMG... That is so scary... I am so glad that he is okay.. I don't even know what to say. I can only imagine what you are going through.. I will be thinking about you and your family... I think we'll all hold our children a little tighter after reading this..
Oh my gosh Stephanie! That is terrifying and such a horrible scare for you. Thank God for the man who pulled him out.
Oh my goodness. How scary!! I am so glad that he is doing well and nothing terribly tragic happened. Hang in there Mama! This is a very scary thing and I can not imagine.
This is one of my biggest fears. Bubbie starts swim lessons tomorrow because I am just too nervous about this.
Stephanie, I'm in tears reading about this.. I can so feel your emotions as I read your words and I thank GOD that Caleb was seen in time by a angel.. Not a parent.. An angel.
Don't beat your self up over this - you and I both know your a fantastic mother and eat, breathe and sleep your children.
I'm so thanful for a great outcome as I kept reading what happened and their wern't any complications to any organs. Bless your heart Steph. I'm so sorry you all went through that this weekend.
Good is good! Love you sweetie!
praise the lord for his protection. we have to rest in the fact that god is always good. regardless! and he showed that for sure. know that it was god using that man to help caleb! god's timing is impecable. and perfect. praise the lord!
I have been so behind on blog reading as well. I guess the both of us will just have to start somewhere even if we can't catch up....
Now about this post...I am so sorry that you had to go through something so scary. My heart dropped when I read this. Isn't it so good to know we serve an awesome God who protects and takes care of us and our little ones? Thanks for the reminder to appreciate what God has given us, and not take any of it for granted.
Oh my goodness! SO scary! I'm so glad to hear he's doing better!
Thanks for entering my giveaway - I'm excited to see who wins!
omgomgomgomgogmogmgom this is my biggest fear. BIGGEST. I am terrified of pools and kids. I'm thankful to read your story with a good ending, it's hard hearing so many stories with bad endings and then attempting to ever let your kid near a pool...shit, im afraid of letting them take a bath even with me right there.
But I'm also afraid of the dark, and bridges so maybe i'm a bad judge of charachter
OMG. I started crying reading your post. I am SO THANKFUL Caleb is okay. And very thankful that everyone did their part and got him treatment and he's doing better.
Pools and water are so scary and yes, it only takes a second. And I'd say don't beat yourself up, but I would do the same if it were me. You're a wonderful mom!!
wow, I am so late and sorry to here this! At first I didn't think Caleb was your son, (i'm still new to your blog), I didn't see a side picture of him on your blog, so I just assumed it was a friends child, but then started reading a bit more. I am so glad he's doing better!
I so feel for you. My absolute worst fear is losing a child. Last year, we were at the creek and my boys were playing with their cousins. I was kind of far away holding Jordyn who was a newborn at the time. I actually did see it when Ben went under but it took what seemed a lifetime for me to run over to get him. I was also fortunate that Ben's cousin saw it and pulled him up. I can't tell you how many times I thought about what could have happened. What if the cousin hadn't pulled him up? What if I hadn't seen him go under? It definitely changed my awareness of how much I had to stick by my kids when they were swimming, but it also convinced me of how much I can trust in God. He protected my little one just like he did yours. Don't beat yourself up over this. I think your story is a reminder to all parents that every day is precious. I'll definitely keep it in mind the next time I feel frustrated with one of my kids. Hopefully my frustration will turn to love and gratefulness for the gifts God has given me. Take care!
Oh my gosh! I read the story about Caleb. I can't imagine the feelings and emotions that go along with an experience like that.
I'm glad Caleb is okay now and pray that he'll stay fine.
I hope your boys will not fear the water more now. Getting over that fear is what I'll pray they can do.
I also hope that you won't blame yourself. These are called accidents because they are events that happen so quickly and are out of our control.
God has given you all new hope and a new perspective on life. In a scsry way, but He sure was there in it too.
Take care and enjoy summer,
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