I said I was going to catch up this week and I am sitting here on Friday morning feeling more behind than ever. The internet was down yesterday so that was one post I didn't get done and I still haven't caught up with all of you. I had to take Jacob to the doctor yesterday..that's another post..I'm hoping to get that one on tomorrow morning. Let's just say that today's Friday and we won't be having our weekend pizza night. He's okay but looks like we're embarking on a new life around here. Allie hasn't been sleeping very much at all so that's leaving one very tired and for when she sleeps it's in our bed one very sore me! I honestly wanted to get up and take a picture last night...David had 2/3 of the bed..Allie was spread out and comfortable which was REALLY what mattered and I had my pillow turned sideways and was on about 6 inches of bed. I woke David up and asked him "what's wrong with this picture?" My body is feeling it and it isn't pleasant not to mention that 3 hours of sleep a night isn't getting me very far.
I still need to post pictures from Christmas so I'm going to try to do that this weekend. Heck I could say I am just going to catch up on everything and there might be a ton of posts from me this weekend but we all know that in all likelihood that won't be happening so I won't say it :) then if something amazing happens we'll all be surprised.
This picture has become one of my favorites..it was taken at the annual Christmas parade in our town. I had my mom take it and I told her to just click,click and click some more. When I get other people to take picture that's what I have to do most of the time in order to make sure I get something I can use :) Any of you feeling my pain out there? Gotta love them for trying though!

CUTE pic!!!! I love the new header too!!!!
life is what happens when you are trying to get stuff done! hope things slow down a bit for you soon
you have a beautiful family!!!
love the picture.
What a beautiful famly you have! I love that photo. The fact that everyone is looking at the camera is a feat in itself. I wish I had a photo like that!
Praying for the health of your family this morning. Hang in there!
Oh, and I would love to have that buttercream recipe if you're willing! I will most definitely use anything that I know will hold my decorations. I'm not in any hurry. I will probably start experimenting in a week or so. Thanks!
cute picture!!! stop stressing so much it's just a blog - sleep when u can & enjoy the season God has in ur life right now - we miss u but we allll understand :)
Just catch up when you can, girl!!!! Your family comes first!!
I love that picture, and I just want to squeeze your baby!!!!!!
Don't fret! You'll get it all done in time. LOVE the family picture.. That's one for a frame if I must say so myself.
Enjoy your weekend sweetie!
What a great picture! I am having the same sleep deprivation. Sometimes I think I should just get up and blog in the middle of the night. But I am so exhausted and hanging on the side of the bed makes me more exhausted. I can relate.
I know how hard it is to keep everything together with 3 kids. You have an extra one, so I totally understand. Love the picture and I do feel your pain...I am the queen of "just one more" I hate to be somewhere and not get a good picture for memory sake. I am hearing ya!
Glad to read any post...big or small, just like to know that you are out there and doing ok.
Leala is finally doing somewhat better with her sleep.. She still ends up in bed with us, but at least now it's at 5 or so..
I hope you get more sleep soon, and that things calm down around there. :)
Great pic! I'm SO jealous!
What a super cute family pic! Allie so too cute, esp with that pink hat on :)
Great picture! I know exactly what you are talking about when having someone else take the pic. Just click away & hope for the best!
That picture came out so good! Lots of beautiful smiles all around. :)
Thanks for the welcome! I am addicted now to blogging! Your family is beautiful! Keep bloggin~
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