Yes it's me and No I'm not dead. Though I have felt that way more times than I can count over these last several weeks. I quickly found out with the kitchen being remodeled and having a house that looked like a tornado had blown through that I could not keep up with blogging and you know me-when I can't keep up with it I stress about it so I just gave up the fight for a while. You'd figure since I'm back that must mean our kitchen is complete,right? NOT - nope - no way - no how. We're still utilizing plywood with a cheap redneck $5 tablecloth tacked down as our countertop. The countertop people obviously don't feel that it is as important to get them down as we do so we're still waiting. It's been delayed several times, this latest one because of the Easter holiday and shipping so we're now waiting on next Monday to come.
For now here's current kitchen pictures for your viewing pleasure :)
This is the way my living room looked for about 2 weeks while we were in the thick of the remodel. Imagine 7 people trying to get around in here. It was INSANE!
New cabinets up and things beginning to take shape. Old countertop still up with sink but everything else gone.
Love how much more room it gave us by pushing cabinets out 2 feet!!!! Such a difference bc now people can actually walk in the kitchen now while I'm cooking without me feeling like they're right on top of me.
New paint color.
And finally, the tile. We had to take every single one of these stickers off and the goo. Lord what a mess what was!

I'm bound and determined to get back into the blogging world though. I've missed everyone so much! Seems like over the past few months it's always been something. I take a break - get back into it - take a break - get back into it again so now my ultimate goal is to not have to take a break again :) I'll probably never catch up completely but I'll be browsing around and slowly catching up with everyone. Spring break is over today and it's the kids first day back at school. I'm surprisingly sad to see them leave again - I got used to having them home and especially loved not having to worry about the 8 pm bedtime every night. I found things were so much easier when we didn't have that time looming over our heads. It is only a short 30 something days before summer though I should probably enjoy them being gone while I can because once June gets here I'm sure they'll be driving me crazy!