We had a wonderful Thanksgiving - my camera stayed in my bag and I didn't take a single picture but we had a great time. We stayed at my dad's Thanksgiving night since we were Black Friday shopping and the kids spent the day with them. We got up at 1:30 to head out shopping and finished up about 1 or so that afternoon. I'm relieved to have started my shopping - we're not done but I think I'm about 65 - 70% through. I insist that this year I'm not going to wait until the last minute to wrap everything but I'm sure I'll prove myself wrong. I usually wrap everything on Christmas Eve - we'll see if I can actually follow through this year and change tradition.
Feels like everyone is on ball with Christmas this year - the Christmas parade in our town is today. Usually they are a week or two later than this but they've had lights up around town for almost 2 weeks now. I can't wait to see how Allie reacts to the parade - I think she'll love it! Speaking of which Allie got a haircut :) We finally got the ends trimmed up and her hair evened out - I love the finished product!!! Check her out -